Have always been looking for THE vest, which, in my opinion, must be oversized and of that perfect, pristine white, with the right flow down the front and lapels. This one hits nearly all the sweet spots. I wanted to actually go for that "all white errthang" look but I couldn't find a top and bottom with the same white shade... Yes, white has different shades and the "whiteness" of each piece differs! I am super obsessive over stupid details like that. Wearing this vest reminds me of Bright Eyes' Amy In The White Coat... Such a heartbreaking and great song. In love with my metallic-y coloured loafers as well! It's just right and not overly shiny. I am always afraid of looking like an alien with bright shiny feet. Well, isn't everyone?
PS, Am very pleased with this batch of photos (as can be evidenced by the larger than usual amount of photos in this post) - especially love the ones against the steel/metal wall. Somehow great architecture always makes for more interesting photos; the lines somehow give the photo a more futuristic touch. However, natural scenery is as breathtaking as well, if one can find those views, that is.
Vest & Shorts LoveBonito / Metallic loafers New Look / Sunnies Bangkok