First off, let me just say that I am very very pleased and beaming with joy~~~~ today! I got my hair cut after almost a year (literally a year) and I love it!! Feel like, hair affects 60% of my mood for the day, the other 40% being face and of course, my clothes. Oh what a superficial world I live in. Anyhow, dug out this pair of Zara skorts today. Bought it close to two months back and haven't had a chance to really wear them yet; they are slightly too big for me despite being an XS.. I was debating whether to get them altered or not and guess what, I still haven't come to a decision yet. How typical of me. I like this pair a lot as there are not like the generic solid coloured ones, and has that extra detail of a pinstripe pattern. However, it irks me slightly that many "online shops" in Singapore are just ripping off designs from Zara/ASOS/Topshop/etc now and claiming them to be manufactured. One could say that Zara actually rips off actual designers as well but at least they do not do it so blatantly.. I mean hello, Zara "inspired" skorts? Hmmmm. The Chuck Palahniuk quote - "Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known" - comes to mind, but there is definitely a difference between a combination of ideas/inspiration from various sources, and the exact replica from one source. Well I think I've said enough on this topic for now.
Top Lovebonito / Pinstripe skorts Zara / Necklace Tracyeinny
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