Love the geometric prints on this one. Am always on the lookout for prints that are subtle, unique, and not common. It's a hazard when most stores tend to use the same type of fabric, everything ends up looking the same at some point or another. Definitely got my eye on several more jumpsuits! I do tend to overdose on certain types of clothing, and all at once I will tire of it with no reason. Ah, well, sue me for being a girl.
Always over the moon when I find nicer (not to mention convenient) locations to take photos. Singapore has a rather lacking landscape where nothing stands out. Couldn't waste this chance to snap some more shots!
Popped by Zara, undoubtedly one of my favorite brick & mortar stores and died seeing this:
THE PERFECT PAIR OF BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS. Need I say more? Sadly I left empty handed, I doubt I would be getting much use out of these babies. Cue a non-stop rationalization in my brain on why I should get this when I know I shouldn't. Follow your heart or listen to your brain? This question is never not inappropriate.
Jumpsuit AmberAvenue / Ballet pumps Topshop / Timepiece Uniformwares / Bag - I forgot where from, but online / Boots Zara