Gloomy weather has been making itself a permanent resident in Singapore and hence, the lack of posts these two weeks. I hate taking pictures under insufficient (and ugly, may I add) lighting. There was finally some decent sunlight two days ago! Wore this dress to attend Digital Fashion Week which I got tickets for. Felt a bit hesitant in wearing this honestly, the print is a tad too obnoxious for my liking..? But ah well, decided it looked fine in the end! I love love love shift dresses. I think I'm over the age of wearing dresses with a fitted bodice and skater skirts. Give me interesting cuts please! (I am not referring to meat... cuts just always sounds so butcher-y.)
On to Digital Fashion Week, I attended the Inspired by Nokia runway show, featuring local designers Max Tan, Mae Pang, Pauline Ning, SUNDAYS, and YOUYOU. It was pretty eye opening to say the least. This is my second "official" fashion show (attended FIDé Fashion Weeks approx two weeks ago, but no outfit pictures for that except on my Instagram because the lighting was TERRIBLE. Or maybe I have a lousy camera..), and it was quite an eye opener. I dream of attending the big four sometime soon.. well, baby steps they say, baby steps.
I absolutely loved Max Tan's collaboration with Nokia; his use of the all black jumpsuit meshed together perfectly with the bright yellows of the outfits. Feels like it really makes you focus on the clothes as there's nothing distracting (eg. the model's make-up, or face), and it fits in well with the whole "technological" aspect of this show. And it really fits in with his whole aesthetic: "Androgynous meets soft geometric forms: Experimenting with quirk cuts and expanding on extremely simple ideas, Max conjures up silhouettes that conceals the wearer’s form and exploring new shapes." (from Max Tan.) I am an absolute sucker for uniformity and congruence in fashion, it's refreshing to see that a designer is religiously following a theme and his ideal. Will definitely keep an eye out for him in this industry!
Scarf print dress Vero Moda / Bag Smooch
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